public static int checkWinner (List<List<String>> codeList, List<String> shoppingCart) {}
说的是小明要帮公司买水果,给了一个codeList, 里面装的是他买的水果,给了一个shoppingCart里面装的是target水果,目标是检查codelist里的水果顺序是否和shoppingCart里的顺序匹配。
注意的是只有codelist中的所有链表的item之后加起来小于等于shoppingcart里item之和才可能返回1。 另外在codelist中有可能出现item时 "anything", 它可以和任意的水果匹配。
public static int checkWinner (List<List<String>> codeList, List<String> shoppingCart) {}
说的是小明要帮公司买水果,给了一个codeList, 里面装的是他买的水果,给了一个shoppingCart里面装的是target水果,目标是检查codelist里的水果顺序是否和shoppingCart里的顺序匹配。
注意的是只有codelist中的所有链表的item之后加起来小于等于shoppingcart里item之和才可能返回1。 另外在codelist中有可能出现item时 "anything", 它可以和任意的水果匹配。
[apple, apple],
[orange, banana, orange]
shoppingCart: [orange, apple, apple, orange, banana, orange].
return 1, 因为codelist里的顺序和shoppingcart里除了第一个orange之后的水果顺序匹配.
[orange, banana, orange],
[apple, apple]
shoppingCart: [orange, apple, apple, orange, banana, orange]
return 0, 因为codeList里的顺序和shoppingcart没法匹配。
Ex3: .
[apple, apple],
[orange, banana, orange],
[pear, orange, grape].
shoppingCart: [orange, apple, apple, orange, banana, orange, pear, grape]
return 0, 因为codelist里最后一个[pear, orange, grape]中的orange没法和shoppingcart里的水果匹配。
[apple, apple],
[orange, anything, orange]
[orange, apple, apple, orange, mango, orange]
return 1。
思路:用dp, 大概思想就是 我循环codesList里面的每一个codes然后去跟shopping cart去match, 如果match到了,我就看这个shopping item前面有没有match到第i-1个的codes。
第一个循环后,应该是dp = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
第二个循环后是 dp = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2]
dp[i]代表的是shoppingCart种的第i个item最多能match完codesList种的第几个。如果能match完那么我们就return True
第二种是kaishen的更优的解法。首先意识到这个codesList只能单调递增。所以其实我们直接循环shoppingCart种的item来match codesListz中的item就完了。然后用一个cur来记录match到codesList的第几层了。非常棒的解法,鼓掌!
class Solution():
def buyFriut(self, codesList, shoppingCart):
dp = [0]*len(shoppingCart)
for i, codes in enumerate(codesList):
l = len(codes)
for j in range(len(shoppingCart)):
# if match the code dp + 1
if j <= (len(shoppingCart) - l) and self.isMatch(codes, shoppingCart[j:j+l]) and dp[j-1]==i:
dp[j+l-1] = dp[j+l-2] + 1
# if previous char have matched, propogate to the end
if j >= 1 and dp[j-1]:
dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j-1])
return dp[-1] == len(codesList)
def isMatch(self, codes, cartSeq):
for i in range(len(codes)):
if codes[i] != 'anything' and codes[i]!= cartSeq[i]:
return False
return True
#better Solution
class Solution():
def buyFriut(self, codesList, shoppingCart):
dp = [0]*len(shoppingCart)
cur = 0
for i in range(len(shoppingCart)):
l = len(codesList[cur])
# if match the code dp + 1
if i>=l and self.isMatch(codesList[cur], shoppingCart[i-l+1:i+1]) and dp[i-l]==cur:
cur += 1
dp[i] = cur
# if previous char have matched, propogate to the end
if i >= 1 and dp[i-1]:
dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[i-1])
return dp[-1] == len(codesList)
def isMatch(self, codes, cartSeq):
for i in range(len(codes)):
if codes[i] != 'anything' and codes[i] != cartSeq[i]:
return False
return True
s = Solution()
codesList = [
['apple', 'apple'],
['orange', 'banana', 'orange']
shoppingCart = ['orange', 'apple', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'orange']
print s.buyFriut(codesList, shoppingCart)
codesList = [
['orange', 'banana', 'orange'],
['apple', 'apple']
shoppingCart = ['orange', 'apple', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'orange']
print s.buyFriut(codesList, shoppingCart)
codesList = [
['apple', 'apple'],
['orange', 'banana', 'orange'],
['pear', 'orange', 'grape']
shoppingCart = ['orange', 'apple', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'orange', 'pear', 'grape']
print s.buyFriut(codesList, shoppingCart)
codesList = [
['apple', 'apple'],
['orange', 'anything', 'orange']
shoppingCart = ['orange', 'apple', 'apple', 'orange', 'mango', 'orange']
print s.buyFriut(codesList, shoppingCart)