Design a load balancer

Why load balancing: E.g. to handle million/billion users, we need to have 10000 servers. Thus we need to load balancing the requests uniformly distributed to our 'healthy' servers.

这里Bittiger 提供了一个讲硬件load balancer的视频。我总结了一下笔记。

  1. Load balancing 算法: round robin, random, current connections count, response time.

  2. Follow - on traffic (同一个request map到同一个server上。):

    1. long-lived TCP connection

      • keep track of open connections
    2. short-lived

      1. Source address affinity (not reliable)

      2. Deep packet Inspection (use cookie)

        • pros: reliable
        • cons: less through put (flow table.)
  3. 原来F5就是卖负载均衡器得。L7型号得load balancer。 在6k吞吐量时候可以达到1000k的qps.就是所每个request小于6k的数据的话,一个load balancer就可以刚1million的qps了。感觉好厉害啊。

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