yp onsite 1-10

已经跪了辣么多公司啦。这个dream company可是不能再跪啦! 奔跑吧咸鱼!

P1 How do I find the greatest sum on a path from root to leaf (that can only touch one node per level—no going up and down) in this tree like structure? Question Quora link

class Solution(object):
    def findMax(self, root):
        if not root:
            return 0
        left = self.findMax(root.left)
        right = self.findMax(root.right)
        return max(left, right) + root.val

这道题抽空写一下吧 https://leetcode.com/problems/binary-tree-maximum-path-sum/

class Solution(object):
    def maxPathSum(self, root):
        :type root: TreeNode
        :rtype: int
        self.max_val = float('-inf')
        return self.max_val

    def helper(self, root):
        if not root:
            return 0
        l = self.helper(root.left)
        r = self.helper(root.right)
        l, r = [0,l][l>0], [0,r][r>0]
        self.max_val = max(self.max_val,l+r+root.val)
        return max(l, r) + root.val

P2 第一轮面,上来就问 why yelp,然后问简历的project。完了之后做题目,leetcode 121 best time to buy and sell stock 原题。我一上来居然想到了trapping water那题。。。用了两个数组来存某个位置其左边最小值,和其右边最大值。在面试官引导优化了空间,最后其实不用额外空间就可以的。。。


class Solution(object):
    def maxProfit(self, prices):
        :type prices: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        if not prices:
            return 0
        small = prices[0]
        res = 0
        for p in prices:
            small = min(p, small)
            res = max(res, p-small)
        return res

prices = [7, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4]
so = Solution()
ans = so.maxProfit(prices)
print ans

P3 第二轮面,还是问 why yelp,然后问简历的project。然后是一道 smallest k elements in an array的题,用个max heap搞定。我感觉挺满意。结果面试官又来一题。简易版的 lc 290 word pattern, 比如 foo 对应 app 就是对的,要是 foo 对应 apg 那就是错啦。很简单吧。结果我上来只用了一个HashMap,写完了后,他让我写test case,我自己写了下,发现不对,赶紧又加了一个HashMap.. 险过。

import heapq
class Solution(object):
    def kthSmall(self, nums, k):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        q = []

        for num in nums:
            if len(q)<k:
                heapq.heappush(q, -num)

            elif num<-q[-1]:
                heapq.heappushpop(q, -num)

        res = [-i for i in q]
        return res

nums = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
so = Solution()
ans = so.kthSmall(nums, 3)
print ans
class Solution(object):
    def wordPattern(self, pattern, s):
        :type pattern: str
        :type str: str
        :rtype: bool
        string = s.split(' ')
        p2s = {}
        used = set()

        if len(pattern)!=len(string):
            return False

        for i in range(len(pattern)):
            if pattern[i] not in p2s:
                if string[i] in used:
                    return False
                    p2s[pattern[i]] = string[i]
                if p2s[pattern[i]]!=string[i]:
                    return False
        return True

pattern = 'abba'
s = 'dog dog dog dog'
so = Solution()
ans = so.wordPattern(pattern, s)
print ans

P4 第三轮面,还是问 why yelp,然后问简历的project。需要提一下,每轮面试官结束后,他会和下个面试官交流个两三分钟,然后下个面试官再进来。我前两轮介绍的project都是我最熟的那个,结果第三个面试官就直接问我,你咋总是讲那一个project。。。 好吧,换个project开始侃了。侃完了后,出一道题,懵了。


比如 电影A: 14, 15, 16, 17 电影B: 14, 15, 16 电影C: 14, 15 电影D: 14, 15, 17

比如 电影A: 14, 15, 16, 17 电影B: 14, 15, 16 电影C: 14, 15 电影D: 14, 15, 17

返回一个解就行,比如 A 14, B 16, C 15, D 17。 如果你要 A 14, B 15, 后面 C就没法看了。

class Solution(object):
    def movieSchedule(self, movies):

        res = []
        self.dfs(movies, 0, [], len(movies), res)
        schedule = [sorted(zip(i,range(len(movies)))) for i in res]
        return schedule

    def dfs(self, movies, i, path, l, res):

        if len(path)==l:

        for m in movies[i]:
            if m not in path:
                self.dfs(movies, i+1, path+[m], l, res)

movies = [[14,15,16,17], [14,15,16], [14,15], [14,15,17]]
so = Solution()
ans = so.movieSchedule(movies)
print ans

P5 然后上题,设计一个Rate limitor。就是一小时内访问第六次时,就返回false。这也没啥算法啊,我没太明白,就是HashMap,存访问的IP和ArrayList\,然后同一个IP一小时内访问第六次,那就返回 false呗。面试官说就是这样的,然后我用java把这个函数写出来。然后讨论了些他做的工作啊什么的,结束了

import collections
class RateLimiter(object):
    def __init__(self, k):
        :type k: int
        self.dic = {}
        self.capa = k

    def checkIP(self, ip, timestamp):
        :type ip: string
        :type timestamp: int
        :rtype: bool

        if ip not in self.dic:
            self.dic[ip] = collections.deque([timestamp])
            return True
            dq = self.dic[ip]
            if len(dq)<self.capa:
                return True
                if dq[0]-timestamp>=60:
                    return True
        return False

r = RateLimiter(6)
print r.checkIP(1,1)
print r.checkIP(1,2)
print r.checkIP(1,3)
print r.checkIP(1,4)
print r.checkIP(1,5)
print r.checkIP(1,6)
print r.checkIP(1,7)

P6 coding:设计一个函数,给定一个list,能够返回一个内部元素random permutation过后的该list。很快写出一共不到10行,随后问一些基于permutation的概率题,最后说你如何测试该函数。楼主答的一测试edge cases,二测试overall results是否uniformly distributed。由于并不是很懂伪随机的原理,可能在这里答一些伪随机的内容会更好。

import collections
from random import randint
class Solution(object):
    def randomPermute(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[int]
        res = []
        self.getPermute(nums, [], res)
        index = randint(0,len(res)-1)
        return res[index]

    def getPermute(self, nums, path, res):

        if not nums:

        for i in range(len(nums)):
            self.getPermute(nums[:i]+nums[i+1:], path+[nums[i]], res)

nums = [1,2,3]
so = Solution()
ans = so.randomPermute(nums)
print ans

res = []
for i in range(1000):
print collections.Counter(res).items()

P7 1轮skype的美国大哥:聊简历,coding题是给你一群nodes,每一个node里有3个invariants: unique的id,可能重名的label,其parent的id。要求将一组乱序的nodes按照如下方式print出来: Node A Node B Node C Node D Node E 这里BD的parent为A,C的为B,AE的为一个id=0的默认root(不print),也就是子node按照depth要缩进相应的空格。 这题不难,我是先遍历nodes重建了储存children关系的hash table,然后写了一个基于stack的方法,中间卡了下壳,还好大哥人很nice,提示了下,就“looks great to me”了。Follow up是“我看你写的是iteration,告诉我写成recursion的话pros和cons是啥”,我答了一些基本比较,他满意,后面就闲聊


import collections
class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, id, label, p):
        self.id = id
        self.label = label
        self.p = p

class Solution(object):
    def printNodes(self, nodes):
        :type nodes: List[Node]
        :rtype: None
        dic = collections.defaultdict(set)
        roots = []
        for n in nodes:
            if n.p:
        res = []
        for node in roots:
            self.dfs(dic, node, 0, res)

    def dfs(self, dic, cur, numspace, res):

        print (' '*numspace + cur.label)

        if cur not in dic:

        children = dic[cur]
        for c in children:
            self.dfs(dic, c, numspace+1, res)

a = Node(1, 'A', None)
b = Node(2, 'B', a)
c = Node(3, 'C', a)
d = Node(4, 'D', None)
nodes = [a,b,c,d]
so = Solution()


import collections
class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, id, label, p):
        self.id = id
        self.label = label
        self.p = p

class Solution(object):
    def printNodes(self, nodes):
        :type nodes: List[Node]
        :rtype: None
        dic = collections.defaultdict(set)
        s = []
        for n in nodes:
            if n.p:
        while s:
            node, num = s.pop()
            print (' '*num + node.label)
            if node in dic:
                children = dic[node]
                for c in children:
                    s.append((c, num+1))

a = Node(1, 'A', None)
b = Node(2, 'B', a)
c = Node(3, 'C', a)
d = Node(4, 'D', None)
nodes = [a,b,c,d]
so = Solution()

P9 3轮美国小哥:Physics PhD帅哥。聊简历,设计题:yelp现在要给附近一些新发掘的店铺定制category label,问你如何根据user对该新店铺的review得知该店铺属于restaurant, gas station,...的哪一个。classification问题,也是开放性的。Followup是如何对应“I just had a meal nextdoor”这种容易将一般店铺误判为restaurant的review。coding题出乎意料的简单。说是yelp每次有人访问会给一个临时id,6位digits,问你如何判断这6数字里有重复的…一行搞定,第二问是给了一个当天所有临时id的log,求今天id中带有重复数字的比率是多少…套用前问结果10行搞定,最后又来permutation相关的概率题,但都很简单。

class Solution(object):
    def ifDuplicate(self, id):
        return len(id)==len(set(id))
class Solution(object):
    def percent(self, ids):
        cnt = 0
        for id in ids:
            if self.ifDuplicate(id):
                cnt +=1

        return float(cnt)/len(ids)

    def ifDuplicate(self, id):
        return len(id)==len(set(id))

ids = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11]
ids = map(str,ids)
so = Solution()
ans = so.percent(ids)
print ans

P8 4轮三哥:不好好听就提问打断,玩手机,全程站起来转椅子玩(醉了),不交流不帮助不给思考时间,楼主卡壳他就直接下一题。聊简历,coding题是leetcode原题longest palindromic substring,还问我之前见过这题没。我说没,然后想不起来O(n)的方法了就只好写了最土的从每个字符往两边搜的O(n^2)方法。Followup是我只有一个只能获得最长odd length palindrome的函数f_odd,问如何调用这个得到原函数,也就是 f (s) = g1(f_odd(g2(s))),求g1,g2。楼主答了给原string插入#再处理,最后得到结果后每隔一个字去除#,被问原string含#怎么办,卡壳不到30秒就说算了我问你behavioral question,然后心不在焉地听了会就结束了。

class Solution(object):
    def longestPalindrome(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: str
        res = ''
        for i in range(len(s)):
            tmp = self.helper(i, i, s)
            if len(tmp)>len(res):
                res = tmp
            tmp = self.helper(i, i+1, s)
            if len(tmp)>len(res):
                res = tmp
        return res 

    def helper(self, i, j, s):
        while 0<=i<=j<len(s) and s[i]==s[j]:
            i -= 1
            j += 1
        return s[i+1:j]

P9 TinyURL 用最简单的发号的方法写了一个

class TinyUrl(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.l2s = {}
        self.s2l = {}
        self.prefix = 'zach.cn/'

    def longToShort(self, url):
        :type url: str
        :rtype: str
        if url in self.l2s:
            return self.l2s[url]
            s = str(len(self.l2s))
            self.l2s[url] = s
            self.s2l[s] = url
            return self.prefix + s

    def shortToLong(self, url):
        :type url: str
        :rtype: str
        if url[:8] == self.prefix:
            if url[8:] in self.s2l:
                return self.s2l[url[8:]]

s = 'abc'
so = TinyUrl()
print so.longToShort('www.abc.com/sadjasnvxvx')
print so.shortToLong('zach.cn/0')
print so.longToShort('www.aaa.com/dsakhzxhvcx')
print so.shortToLong('zach.cn/1')
print so.longToShort('www.bbb.comwqruwqifqin')

P10 第二个是个印度manager,聊projects,让写merge interval,问了dns, tcp, 数据库等基本知识。

class Solution(object):
    def mergeIntervals(self, intervals):

        if not intervals:
            return []

        s, e = intervals[0]
        res = []
        for i in range(1, len(intervals)):
            cur_start, cur_end =  intervals[i]
            if cur_start<=e:
                e = cur_end
                s, e = cur_start, cur_end
        return res

intervals = [[0,5], [10,20], [15,30]]
so = Solution()
ans = so.mergeIntervals(intervals)
print ans

results matching ""

    No results matching ""