sc 21-30

P21. 24点游戏。给你几个数字,判断他们做加减乘除运算是否可以得到24,顺序可以是任意的。dfs搜索搞定。。。但是这里要注意一些细节,每次计算得到新的数之后最好加入数组做下一次搜索,不然容易出错。

思路:就是DFS,这个问题好有趣。我加入了Path 来打印出结果,方便理解。

class Solution(object):
    def game24(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: bool
        return self.dfs(nums, '')

    def dfs(self, nums, path):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type cur: int
        :type path: str
        :rtype: bool

        if len(nums)==1 and nums[0]==24:
            print path
            return True

        for i in range(len(nums)-1):
            for j in range(i+1,len(nums)):

                tmp = nums[i]+nums[j]
                if self.dfs(nums[:i]+nums[i+1:j]+nums[j+1:] + [tmp], path + ' ' + str(nums[i])+'+'+str(nums[j])):
                    return True

                tmp = nums[i]-nums[j]
                if self.dfs(nums[:i]+nums[i+1:j]+nums[j+1:] + [tmp], path + ' ' + str(nums[i])+'-'+str(nums[j])):
                    return True

                tmp = nums[i]*nums[j]
                if self.dfs(nums[:i]+nums[i+1:j]+nums[j+1:] + [tmp], path + ' ' + str(nums[i])+'*'+str(nums[j])):
                    return True

                tmp = nums[i]/nums[j]
                if self.dfs(nums[:i]+nums[i+1:j]+nums[j+1:] + [tmp], path + ' ' + str(nums[i])+'/'+str(nums[j])):
                    return True

        return False

nums = [1,3,1,5]
so = Solution()
print so.game24(nums)

P22. 一个是 word break 2,给个字典,如何break Ilovenyc .

class Solution(object):
    def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict):
        :type s: str
        :type wordDict: Set[str]
        :rtype: List[str]
        memo = {len(s): ['']}
        def sentences(i):
            if i not in memo:
                memo[i] = [s[i:j] + (tail and ' ' + tail)
                           for j in range(i+1, len(s)+1)
                           if s[i:j] in wordDict
                           for tail in sentences(j)]
            return memo[i]
        return sentences(0)

    def dfs(s, wordDict, cur, res):
        if not s: return [None]
        if s in wordDict: 
            return res.append((cur + ' ' + s).strip())

        for word in wordDict:
            l = len(word)
            if word == s[:l]:
                dfs(s[l:], wordDict, cur+' '+ s[:l], res)

P23. 判断一个图是不是 bipartite:


class Solution():
    def isBipartite(self, graph):
        :type graph: dict[List]
        :rtype: bool

        s = [1]
        visited = {1:0}

        while s:
            tmp = s.pop(0)
            children = graph[tmp]
            color = visited[tmp]
            for c in children:
                if c in visited:
                    if visited[c] + color!=1:
                        return False
                    visited[c] = 1 if color==0 else 0

        return True

graph = {1:[2,3], 4:[2,3], 2:[1,4], 3:[1,4]}
so = Solution()

P24. 一面国人小哥,人非常好。题目是面经里提过的 toddle() 和 getToddleList(),具体可以看这个帖子:

class Node():
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class Solution():

    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None
        self.tail = None
        self.table = {}

    def toggle(self, val):
        if val not in self.table:
            node = Node(val)
            self.table[val] = node

            if not self.root:
                self.root = node
                self.tail = node
                node.left = self.tail
                self.tail.right = node
                self.tail = node
            node = self.table[val]
            pre = node.left
            cur = node.right
            if pre:
                pre.right = cur
            if cur:
                cur.left = pre

    def getList(self):
        res = []
        node = self.root
        while node:
            node = node.right
        return res

so = Solution()
print so.getList()

P25. 3sum

class Solution():
    def threeSum(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[List[int]]

        res = []

        for i in range(len(nums)-2):
            if i>0 and nums[i-1]==nums[i]:
            a = nums[i]
            l, r = i+1, len(nums)-1
            while l<r:
                if a + nums[l] + nums[r] == 0:
                    res.append([a, nums[l], nums[r]])
                    while l < r and nums[l] == nums[l+1]:
                        l += 1
                    while l < r and nums[r] == nums[r-1]:
                        r -= 1
                    l += 1
                    r -= 1
                elif a + nums[l] + nums[r]<0:
                    l += 1
                    r -= 1
        return res

nums = [-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -4]
so = Solution()
print so.threeSum(nums)

P26. 题目是用前序和中序数组重建二叉树,LC 原题。

思路: 就是用Inorder来做参照,如果inorder没了,说明不能继续recurse下去了。

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None

class Solution(object):
    def buildTree(self, preorder, inorder):
        :type preorder: List[int]
        :type inorder: List[int]
        :rtype: TreeNode
        if inorder:
            num = preorder.pop(0)
            root = TreeNode(num)
            index = inorder.index(num)
            root.left = self.buildTree(preorder, inorder[:index])
            root.right = self.buildTree(preorder, inorder[index+1:])
            return root


class Solution(object):
    def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
        :type inorder: List[int]
        :type postorder: List[int]
        :rtype: TreeNode
        if inorder:
            num = postorder.pop()
            root = TreeNode(num)
            index = inorder.index(num)
            root.right = self.buildTree(inorder[index+1:], postorder)
            root.left = self.buildTree(inorder[:index], postorder)
            return root

P27. 分享个楼主惨痛的snapchat电面。OA就不说了,简单的数独问题, 做完当天下午约电面,电面是国人大叔。在面之前也是跟其他人一样,把地里的题都刷了一遍,什么bigInteger, DP, Zigzag print等等。 结果电面不是这些啊,并且楼主成功被自己蠢哭,第一题就没搞定。干货: 一个dictionary里面存String单词,有millions这么多,给一个char array, 让返回所有的单词,这些单词的所有字母必须在char array里面。比如:char array = {a,c,a,r,t}, dictionary={"a","aa","cat","cats","aaa","cc"} 那么你返回的list里面包含的单词应该是:a, aa, cat这类的。其实我并不知道为啥aa也算单词, 不包含的像cats, aaa, cc这样的。

思路:刚开始我说:将char array处理成map这样形式,然后去扫dictionary里面单词,如果包含在map里面就加入list,不包含就不加。大叔说,可以,但是复杂度太高,有没有优化,想两三分钟,估计看我没动静,问我看看需不需要用什么data structure, 突然想到用trie, 就说了。 果然是用trie, 然后又让我说了下用trie怎么去遍历。


我的思路: 我怎么觉得这道题不应该用Trie啊

class Solution(object):
    def validWord(self, charArray, words):
        :type charArray: List[char]
        :type words: List[str]
        :rtype: List[str]
        dic = set(charArray)
        res = []
        for w in words:
            tmp = set(w)
            if len(tmp| dic)==len(dic):
        return res

charArray = ['a', 'c', 'a', 'r', 't']
words= ["a","aa","cat","cats","aaa","cc"]

so = Solution()
a = so.validWord(charArray, words)
print a

P28.We obtained a log file containing runtime information about all threads and mutex locks of a user program. The log file contains N lines of triplets about threads acquiring or releasing mutex locks. The format of the file is: The first line contains an integer N indicating how many more lines are in the file. Each of the following N lines contains 3 numbers separated by space. The first number is an integer representing thread_id (starting from 1). The second number is either 0 (acquiring) or 1 (releasing). The third number is an integer representing mutex_id (starting from 1). Now we want you to write a detector program that reads the logs line by line and output the line number of the trace where a deadlock happens. If there is no deadlock after reading all log traces, output 0.


1 0 1
2 0 2
2 0 1
1 0 2.




import collections
class Solution(object):
    def lockDetector(self, log):
        :type charArray: List[char]
        :type words: List[str]
        :rtype: List[str]
        graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for i in range(len(log)):
            [a, b, c] = log[i]
            if b:
                if a!=c:
                self.visited = set()
                if self.findCircle(a, graph):
                    return i+1
        return -1

    def findCircle(self, a, graph):
        s = [a]

        while s:
            tmp = s.pop()
            children = graph[tmp]
            if tmp not in self.visited:
                return True
            for c in children:
        return False

log = [[1,0,1], [2,0,2], [2,0,1], [1,0,2]]
so = Solution()
a = so.lockDetector(log)

P29 上来说implement big number library的时候 我吓了一身冷汗 然后发现是 two strings 加减乘除 才放心开始写 但是要在codepad上run 发现自己写zero-bug code的能力还是不太行。。。 改了改bug 写了unit test 时间就差不多没了。。所以没写完全部operation 哭。。。

class Solution(object):
    def add(self, num1, num2):
        :type num1: str
        :type num2: str
        :rtype: str
        num1 = list(num1)[::-1]
        num2 = list(num2)[::-1]

        if len(num1)<len(num2):
            num1, num2 = num2, num1

        carry = 0
        index = 0
        while index<len(num1):
            n2 = int(num2[index]) if index<len(num2) else 0
            tmp = n2 + int(num1[index]) + carry
            cur = tmp%10
            carry = tmp//10
            num1[index] = str(cur)
            index += 1

        if carry: num1.append('1')

        return ''.join(num1[::-1])

    def multiply(self, num1, num2):
        :type num1: str
        :type num2: str
        :rtype: str
        num1 = num1[::-1]
        num2 = num2[::-1]

        res = [0]*(len(num1) + len(num2))
        for i in range(len(num2)):
            for j in range(len(num1)):
                tmp = int(num2[i])*int(num1[j])
                res[j+i] += tmp
                res[j+i+1] += res[j+i]//10
                res[j+i] = res[j+i]%10

        while len(res)>1 and res[-1]==0:

        return ''.join(map(str,res))[::-1]

num1 = '124'
num2 = '5679'
so = Solution()
a = so.add(num1, num2)
a = so.multiply(num1, num2)

P30.准备的面经题一道没有。面的是secretSanta, 简单的说就是,每个人都必须给别人礼物,每个人都必须收礼物。自己不能给自己礼物。 string[] name = {mary, alice, mike}; output: mary -> mike mike -> alice, alice -> marry 错误情况是:marry ->mike, mike -> marry, alice ->

class Solution():
    def secretSanta(self, names):
        res = []
        self.dfs(names, names, [], res)
        return res

    def dfs(self, giver, receiver, cur, res):

        if not giver:

        for j in range(len(receiver)):
            if giver[0]!=receiver[j]:
                new_giver = giver[1:]
                new_receiver = receiver[:j] + receiver[j+1:]
                record = giver[0] + '->' + receiver[j]
                self.dfs(new_giver, new_receiver, cur + [record], res)

names =  ['A', 'B', 'C']
so = Solution()
a = so.secretSanta(names)
print a
print len(a)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""